How to compare dates in Twig
When comparing dates in a Twig template it's best to force formatting as a Unix timestamp in order for your >
and <
operations to work as expected.
Format a date as a timestamp in Twig
It's as simple as passing 'U' to the date filter formatter:
{{ "now"|date('U') }}
will give you the timestamp you need 1727450061
While trying to do the same without the 'U' formatter will give you a default date formatting:
will produce "September 27, 2024 08:14"
Do the same for any date value you have from field output. A version of a date field output may look like this (your path to getting the date value may vary):[0]['end_date']['#markup']|date('U')
Comparing dates in Twig
With the examples above, comparing dates in a Twig file may look something like this:
{% if "now"|date('U') <[0]['end_date']['#markup']|date('U') %}
// Do something
{% endif %}